1·Directly applicable law is a new system in international private law.
2·Pursue any other legal or equitable remedy available under applicable law.
3·Law by inference is the mode of thinking for applicable law process by the judge.
4·The Sixth Chapter discourses upon the applicable law for damages of breach of contract.
5·The existence of "directly applicable law" has an impact on the system of Private International Law .
6·However, when the applicable law can be easily applied by another court then the factor is not very weighty.
7·If the allegation of the depositor is contested, the burden of proof shall be governed by the applicable law.
8·It contains information which may be privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
9·The conclusion is, therefore, that determining the applicable law in a Euromarketing case becomes a complicated puzzle.
10·In the process of choosing applicable law, justice can be realized only by attention to both flexibility and objective.
1·Applicable law of exclusive choice of court agreements shall be decided according to the law of the State of the chosen court.
2·Hague rules can't be applied directly in our country's maritime trial including foreign elements. But, it can be applied indirectly as applicable law based a guide from conflict rules.
3·In the process of choosing applicable law, we should consider three values: selective value, balancing value and amended value.
4·To choose the optimum applicable law is important to protect the right of legal subject in international civil and commercial legal relationship.